Methods for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
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Toolbox is a collection of methods aimed explicitly at academic entrepreneurial education. Explore and use freely, a variety of methods, instructions for use and download options.
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SGC deals with cooperation between micro-enterprises and educational institutions. The idea is that the students must collaborate with micro-companies and through this the students must build up their innovative and entrepreneurial competencies, put these into play in practice and contribute to the small companies developing and gaining new professional perspectives in games that can strengthen their business. It is a project where both companies and students contribute to each other’s development and learning, through the application of the areas of knowledge they each know and can put into play.
It is a three-year project funded by Interreg Øresund-Kattegat-Skagerak and EU funds.
VIA University College is the Lead partner of the project.
Other partners are
Erhvervsakademi Dania (Dania Academy, Denmark), Erhvervsakademi MidtVest (Academy Midwest, Denmark), AAU Innovation and Research Support (Aalborg University Denmark), CLL Campus Varberg (Sweden), Drivhuset (Sweden), Chalmers University (Sweden) and Connect Väst (Sweden).
Contributors to Scandinavian Growth Creators are the ”Interreg Oresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak” (The Scandinavian Cross-border Cooperation) and The European Regional Development Fund (The European Union). The grant totals 1,170,559 Euro. The project falls under the “Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak” (The Scandinavian cross-border Cooperation) key action area: Occupation.