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The Wallet Project

Understanding the design thinking process is a powerful tool to deliver and capture value in the marketplace.

The Wallet Project

The Wallet Project, from Stanford University’s, is a fast-paced way to introduce your students to design thinking. This is a group activity (from 2 to 100+ participants) in which students rapidly do a full cycle through the design process. The project is broken down into specific steps (of a few minutes each), and students have worksheet packets that guide them. In addition, one or two facilitators (not participating in the project) prompt each step and add verbal colour and instruction. Students pair up, show and tell each other about their wallets, ideate, and make a new solution that is “useful and meaningful” to their partner.

This exercise is great because every student has an artefact (their wallet or purse) that contains so much meaning in it. You can get some really interesting information about someone just by asking about their wallet. This project also tends to yield final solution ideas that are physical and more easily prototyped.

All the guidance is in the Facilitators Guide (attached).